Huawei Will Reduce Australian Workforce in Half Due to 5G Ban

The Australian workforce is under the threat of being reduced in half by the Chinese giant because of the ban from the federal government in Australia from providing equipment for local ultra-fast mobile networks.
This telecom provider has already cut 100 jobs from its 700 local workforces, and hundreds more are under the threat of job loss. This was the email from the Huawei director of corporate affairs Jeremy Mitchell to the Australian Mobile Telecommunications.
This email contains the information about upcoming job losses due to the lockout from the 5G network, and it also brought the information about the withdrawal of the telecommunications giant from the telecommunication lobby group AMTA.
The expected number of job losses in the next two to five years will grow up to 400.
A lot of field experts will have no jobs, and unfortunately, it will impact the whole industry.
The Australian government banned Huawei from participating in the implementation of the 5G infrastructure a year ago, and since then it lobbied for the government to change its position, but Huawei failed to have the rules changed.

This telecommunication giant addressed critics to AMTA for choosing not to reveal the real damage from governments 5G decision, and as a result, the roll out of the new generation of mobile technology will be 30% more expensive than without the ban.
Australia was the first country to impose an official ban on Huawei, but the USA is considered to have an unofficial ban on Chinese providers, and they pressure the ally countries to follow the example.
Will Huawei fight for the right spot in the implementation of 5G infrastructure in the USA and Australia?