5G Base Stations in Every 5 Steps

The implementation of 5G technology requires a thick network from base stations, and transmitters, especially in the urban areas and therefore with law amendments with which it will be possible to be installed on every pole and bus station, and those with lower capacity to be installed without any permissions. While out in the world there is a scientific debate on the potential danger to humans’ health from the implementation of 5G, others prepare to embrace the benefits of this technology.
The thick network of base stations, network knots and transmitters will be installed on the poles, bus stations, light poles, the highways, and other public surfaces. All of this is about 5G technology, which will bring us super-fast Internet.
With law amendments, the 5G equipment can be installed like urban equipment, and this refers to the smaller devices and less powerful, i.e. to be installed without permission and decision, a simple and fast procedure, like it is a bench in the park. Also, every new object will have to have optical installation, and the providers will be allowed by the law to easily find places for the base stations.
These are part of the measures in the National Operative Broadband plan for implementation of 5G technology, which every government should vote for if they want 5G in their country.

And while others still discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology, others can’t wait for the implementation to begin. It is the thickness of the network that creates so many reactions throughout the world, and how will they affect human beings, animals and environment near them.
And the purpose is to have a connected society in every aspect, which includes super-fast data transfer, transferring the connection while moving from one to another base station.
According to the National Operative Broadband plan till the end of 2025 highways and magisterial roads should be covered in 5G signal , till the end of 2027 all of the urban areas should be covered with 5G signal, and till the end of 2029 everyone will have the possibility to have connectivity with minimum speed of 100 megabits.